Teamfight Tactics Tactician’s Crown
The esports side of Teamfight Tactics likes to be different. In 2023 they kicked off a 1 vs. 500 tournament, awarding the winning player a custom made 1 of 1 TFT-themed wrestling belt. For their World Championships in 2024, they wanted to deviate from their unconventional-but-still-a-trophy Spatula design to a physical interpretation of the Tactician’s Crown.
The Tactician’s Crown is an item in TFT that had never been designed as an actual crown until this project began. Shown as two crossed spatulas in a small game icon, our studio tackled the concept design and 3D modeling processes that made the crown, well, a crown! Working together with Riot’s TFT team, over a dozen concepts were refined into the version shown here. The shape was optimized for moldmaking and casting processes, as we would be making 2 new crowns for each tournament annually.
The crown is a mix of silver painted and 24k gold plated parts mounted around padded headband. Packaged with the crown is an assortment of different foam spacers to accommodate varied head sizes. One crown lives with Riot permanently and is used in events and marketing, while a duplicate is crafted and sent directly to each tournament winner twice annually. To make the trophy unique to each event, the center gem and base plaque are magnetic and can be swapped to reflect new sets and seasons!